Welcome to the 6581 SID Show Archives!

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Music Demo Version 1, tune #26 by Tim Follin

Archive of the 2 years of Hard Hat Mack's weekly Commodore 64 music show titled "6581".
Broadcasts were recorded in Real Audio.

The "6581" program featured nothing but SID music
on the KDVS radio station on 90.3 FM in Davis, California (USA)
between 1999 and 2001.

About the RealAudio files:

About the SidPlay playlists:

Download these if you'd rather listen to the SIDs themselves instead of their audio broadcast. You'll need HVSC v42 (post-Update #42) to enjoy them. The last few playlists have been assembled by Hard Hat Mack himself (the DJ of the show), and all the playlengths and fadeouts are exactly how they are during the live broadcasts. But this way you are missing out on all the commentary by the DJ...

About the WinAmp playlists:


All the SIDPlay playlists are in the new format and won't work with older versions of SIDPlay for Windows (win32 version, by Adam Lorentzon)! You need the latest version of SIDPlay for Windows (win32 version, by Adam Lorentzon) to play them.

DateNOTE: These links may
or may not work!
The server hosting
them is shaky!
All the 6581
and WinAmp playlists
in one file
2001. March 20.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]The last broadcast... Thanks, Justin, for this great radio program! We wish you the best in the future! SID rulez!...
2001. March 13.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Next to last show... :-(
2001. March 6.[N/A][N/A]spl][m3u]-
2001. February 27.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Movie themes.
2001. February 20.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Tunes from the DEMOS folder in HVSC.
2001. February 13.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Game tunes.
2001. February 6.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]MegaHits, featuring SID covers of famous popular tunes.
2001. January 30.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]SID remixes, featuring covers of SID tunes from the album "Nexus 6581" by Reyn Ouwehand, the "Back In Time" albums from c64audio.com, and remixes from Remix.KWED.org.
2001. January 23.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]PRI special - Today's playlist was assembled by Warren Pilkington.
2001. January 16.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Musical SIDstreams - LaLa's one hour program on KDVS.
2001. January 9.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Tunes from HVSC Update #24.
2001. January 2.[-][-][-][-]No broadcast - on vacation.
2000. December 26.[-][-][-][-]No broadcast - on vacation.
2000. December 19.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
2000. December 12.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
2000. December 5.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
2000. November 28.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
2000. November 21.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Best of VARIOUS.
2000. November 14.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Mostly oriental tunes.
2000. November 7.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
2000. October 31.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Halloween special.
2000. October 24.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Cover tunes.
2000. October 17.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Tunes from VARIOUS.
2000. October 10.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
2000. October 3.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Grand Prix tunes.
2000. September 26.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Tunes from HVSC Update #22.
2000. September 19.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Olympics special.
2000. September 12.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
2000. September 5.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Today's playlist was assembled by Reyn Ouwehand.
2000. August 29.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Today's playlist was assembled by Warren Pilkington.
2000. August 22.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
2000. August 15.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]MIDI covers of SID tunes
2000. August 8.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
2000. August 1.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]Repeat of the Reyn Ouwehand + Nexus show of June 27.
2000. July 25.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]Covers of MOD/XM tunes
2000. July 18.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]MOD/XM covers of SID tunes. No SID music played!
2000. July 11.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Featuring Vibrants.
2000. July 4.[stream]


[G2 stream
(in MP3)


[spl][m3u]Interview with Warren Pilkington.
2000. June 27.[stream]


[G2 stream
(in MP3)


[spl][m3u]Introducing the album Nexus 6581 by Reyn Ouwehand,
plus an interview with Reyn!
2000. June 20.[-][-][-][-]No broadcast - on vacation.
2000. June 13.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
2000. June 6.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
2000. May 30.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Movie themes
2000. May 23.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Tunes from sport games.
2000. May 16.[stream][download][N/A][N/A]Mekka Symposium tunes, all composed in 2000.
2000. May 9.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]mITCH & dANE and PRI special
2000. May 2.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
2000. April 25.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Featuring HVSC Update #20.
2000. April 18.[N/A][N/A][spl] (note)[m3u]No recording.
2000. April 11.[stream][download][N/A][N/A]Fundraiser show.
2000. April 7.
Special broadcast!
[stream][download][spl][m3u]Distorsonie 2000 special. 90 minutes of SID music was netcasted to a two-day electronic music festival in Bologna, Italy.
2000. April 4.[stream][download][spl] (note)[m3u]Dutch composers, part 2.
2000. March 28.[stream][download][spl] (note)[m3u]Dutch composers, part 1, featuring Reyn Ouwehand, Charles Deenen, Jeroen Tel, Red (Jeroen Kimmel) and others.
2000. March 21.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Multispeed tunes.
The playlists have NTSC speed playtimes!
2000. March 14.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]No recording - my ISP was down.
2000. March 7.[stream]

[G2 stream
(in MP3)

[N/A][N/A]Taped telephone interview with Tim Follin.
Also, excerpts from his music for the upcoming Sega Dreamcast game Ecco, the Dolphin.
Recorded from a tape copy of the broadcast! (Good quality!)
2000. February 29.[stream][download][spl][m3u]The 32 minute long Gordian Tomb tune by Thomas Detert was played.
2000. February 22.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Covers from the '80s and '90s.
Recorded from a tape copy of the broadcast! (Good quality!)
2000. February 15.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Covers from the '70s and '80s.
Recorded from a tape copy of the broadcast! (Good quality!)
2000. February 8.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Covers from the '60s and '70s.
2000. February 1.[stream][download][spl][m3u]The theme of the show is war.
2000. January 25.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Cars, trucks and motorcycles.
Hard Hat Mack somehow forgot to play Action Biker, but has added it to the playlist anyway...
2000. January 18.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Featured artist: Geir Tjelta of Moz(IC)Art.
First show with the HardSID soundcard.
2000. January 11.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Featured artists: Zyron (Åstrand, Johan) and Kjell Nordboe / Blues Muz of Shape.
2000. January 4.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. December 28.[-][-][-][-]No broadcast - on vacation.
1999. December 21.[-][-][-][-]No broadcast - on vacation.
1999. December 14.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Christmas special, featuring the SID karaoke of The 12 Days of Christmas.
1999. December 7.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Covers of themes of TV series.
1999. November 30.[stream][download][N/A][N/A]-
1999. November 23.[stream][download][N/A][N/A]-
1999. November 16.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. November 9.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Starts with the ballad Remember When (from the album My 64 by PSW).
1999. November 2.[stream][download][N/A][N/A]Starts with songs from the album My 64 by PSW.
1999. October 26.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
1999. October 19.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
1999. October 12.[stream][download][N/A][N/A]Hard Hat Mack struggling to hook up a real C64 in the studio (funny! :).
1999. October 5.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. September 28.[stream]

[G2 stream
(in MP3)

[N/A][N/A]Live interview with Rob Hubbard via phone.
1999. September 21.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Featured artist: Rob Hubbard.
1999. September 14.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. September 7.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. August 31.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. August 24.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. August 17.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. August 10.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]Far East special: ninjas, kung-fu, karate, etc.
1999. August 3.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. July 27.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Covers of classical tunes.
1999. July 20.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. July 13.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. July 6.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. June 29.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. June 22.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
1999. June 15.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. June 8.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. June 1.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. May 25.[stream][download][spl][m3u]-
1999. May 18.[stream][download][spl][m3u]Star Wars special (Episode I came out).
1999. May 11.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. May 4.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. April 27.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]-
1999. April 20.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]-
1999. April 13.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]Fundraiser show - collected $740 in 1 hour!
1999. April 6.[N/A][N/A][spl][m3u]First regular show.
Interview with The Shark, one of the original creators of HVSC.
1999. February 2.[N/A][N/A][N/A][N/A]Pilot show - first show ever! (It was wild. :-)


6581 show on KDVS © 1999-2001 by Hard Hat Mack (Justin Beck) and KDVS
This webpage © 1999-2001 by LaLa and Richard Storer