The Big SID Hunt
(HVSC Requests)

The Big SID Hunt is OVER - This page kept for historical purposes only

Requested SID tunes
What still needs ripping.
Request a SID tune
Please, read the note!
SID Hunt notification list
Sign up or sign off.
The HVSC Ripped Tunes page
What has been ripped already, but is not in the HVSC, yet.
(Outside link, intended for rippers and requesters.
Check here before sending me a request - it might be ripped already!)
Rip Compo
If you think you are good enough to rip SID tunes
and you want to win a prize doing it,
visit Steppe's and Yodelking's Rip Compo!

If you would like to request a tune not that is not in the HVSC (High Voltage SID Collection), yet, and it is also not a Compute Gazette SIDplayer music (Americans will know what I am talking about) and/or you would like to sign up for the SID Hunt list to get notified whenever this page is updated, then please, use the forms below.

IMPORTANT: Before you request a SID tune, please, make sure that:

  1. It's not in the HVSC, yet. HVSC contains over 10,000 SID files from games and demos, so chances are that what you are looking for is already in it.

    Online HVSC search engines you can use to find out whether what you want is already in HVSC:
  2. It has not been ripped already (see the HVSC Ripped Tunes page).
  3. It's not a Compute Gazette SIDplayer music.
  4. You might also want to check the Demodungeon first, which has a great list of demos and also shows what tunes can be heard in those demos.

NOTE: It is perfectly okay to place a request for a tune that is already on the list of requested tunes (see link above). When more than one person requests a tune, it gets emphasized on the SID Hunt list. However, this gives absolutely no guarantees that the tune will be ripped earlier.

SID Hunt Request Form

Well, I searched and searched, but what I am looking for is not in the HVSC...
So, here's my request:

The tune (or the name of the game in which the tune is in) which you are requesting:
NOTE: Please, do not send me requests that are NOT for specific tunes. For example, "I want all tunes by XYZ" - such requests will be ignored.
Your email address:
I would like to get notified when my request is ripped: Yes No

Optional info

Location of the D64/T64 image of the game/demo the music is from:
NOTE: If you tell us where the game/demo can be located, it is more likely that the tunes from it will be ripped sooner!)
Any comments you may have about the requested tune can be entered here: